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Farrier competition rules


1: Introduction

-Rules’ intentions


2: Definitions

3: General guidelines

4: Competition:




         -Entry form, registration


         -Arranging events

         -Placings and prizes


         -Competitors’ representative

5: Judges and chiefs of committee

6: Sanctions, disciplinary actions and protests

         a) General guidelines

         b) Processing cases where rules are broken (complaints)

         c) Disqualifications and sanctions

         d) Protests

7: Judging, points

         a) Judging specimen shoes

         b) Judging shoeing

         c) Marks 

8: Placing

         a) Points on task


Chapter 1: Introduction

Intention of these rules

These rules are to be indicated by the farrier associations to make all competitions as fair as possible for the competitors, to protect the horses and implement safety. Where these rules do not apply, decisions will be made based on fairness and sportsmanship.

The intention of this set of rules is not to regulate every last detail when arranging a competition. Some decisions will be made by the committee concerning general conditions of the competition.

Every competitor must be familiar with the competition rules.



Most important of all is the safety for competitors, horses, audience and stewards. The committee is responsible for making sure every safety precaution is taken:

- Gas forges including tube and connections are in order

- Stabile anvil stands

- Sufficient space at each work station for gas forge, gas bottle, anvil, tool table, vice, water bucket, and traffic on both sides

- Sufficient space all around the horse including safe distance to work station

- Ground surface fireproof and not slippery

-Space to allow for single horses to leave competitions area

- Audience must be protected from sparks, scales and horses

- Fire safety protocol is followed at all times

- Veterinarian is present and available within minutes

- National safety regulations and animal rights are followed at all times


Chapter 2: Definitions

The competition is the event from when the competition office opens at the competition arena, until deadline of last protest.

The competition area is the total geographic area on which the competition takes place.

The competition arena is limited area that should be clearly defined, in which the competitors compete.

A class is the task set by the judges and/or the organisers that competitors must complete.

The task can be making a shoe, a pair of tongs, shoeing a foot. Usually two tasks make one class (example: one specimen shoe and shoeing a foot).

A heat is the group of competitors that starts at the same time. A class usually consists of several heats.

A team is two or more competitors competing against other teams. Each team has a team leader as stated in the entry form. The team leader is the team’s spokesperson to the committee.

A workstation/anvil is the place each competitor is competing. The committee will provide a workstation with anvil, forge and water bucket unless stated otherwise in the schedule.

A striker is a person helping the competitor running the fire/forge, brushing the work piece and using a two-handed sledge.

A bottom tool is a block or piece used in the hardy hole or on the face of the anvil. It has a shape or profile to work the work piece into it with a hammer/sledge.

A flatter is a shafted tool/hammer used between the work piece and the sledge or hammer.

Hammer finish means no rasping, filing or sanding. Brushing is allowed.

The elected competitor’s representative will forward questions and remarks to the committee.

Chapter 3: General guidelines

The competitors are required to know the regulations.

The competitors must bring and wear appropriate safety equipment.

The competitor has to be qualified to do the tasks given.

The competitor is representing the trade and sport, and must behave thereafter.

If not otherwise stated, the committee provides steel and propane/coke.

If not otherwise stated, pre-heating the work piece is allowed for the gas forging classes, but not for coke forging classes.

At the end of the heat, shoes must be quenched and presented near the anvil.

No brushing/cleaning, measuring or judging nail fit allowed when the heat is over.

Only competitors (in action), judges, committee and stewards can access the arena during classes.

Steel or other items to be handed over to the competitor during class must be done by a steward.

If the competitor needs more time or a new work piece, report as soon as possible to the chief steward. Chief steward, and chief of committee if needed, will decide further action.

If not otherwise stated, all forging tools are allowed.

If not otherwise stated, mechanical and electrical tools are not allowed.

Safety when working with horses is the competitor’s responsibility.

Lame horses after shoeing classes can be disqualifying.

Trimming to the point of sensitive tissue (bleeding) can lead to disqualification.

Hitting, kicking, pulling the halter, rope or bridle is forbidden before, during and after classes and can also lead to disqualification.



Chapter 4: Competition


Division 1: Open to all

Division 2: Restricted – open to all competitors not placed no.1 in division 2, or no.1, 2 or 3 in division 1 the 5 previous years

Division 3: Apprentice – open to competitors not placed no.1 in division 3, or no.1, 2 or 3 in division 2 or 3 the 5 previous years

A competitor that has not competed the last 5 years can start a division lower.



For each event the host must establish a committee.

This committee consists of:

- Chiefs of committee (Chapter 5)

- Main judge

- Judge(s)

- Chief steward

- Chief technician

- Chief of competition office

- Veterinary

- First aid



The schedule is the invitation and description of the event including current guidelines and classes. This is sent to potential competitors and EFFA memberorganisations.

The schedule and other competition information must be concise but easily understood; containing all information the competitor needs to know about the event. Rules and guidelines from this FARRIER COMPETITION RULES does not need to be unnecessary repeated.


The hosts are able to make the schedule and the event as they want. When making the schedule, include:

- Address for entering, deadline, entry fee and bank account.

- If entering after deadline is accepted, new entry fee and new deadline.

- Internet address where starting lists and schedule can be found.

- Criteria for when entry is closed (limited number of contestants, etc)

- When competition office opens at the event, competition starts

- Information about tool transport

- Lodging

- Contact information

- Information of competition arena and workstation. Indoor, outdoors, ground surface, type of forges, anvils, etc

- Judges


Entry form, registration

Entry must be written/email, one per contestant. Information of the competitor’s qualifications (certified, 1. or 2. year apprentice, self-taught).

Entering binds the competitor to pay entry fee whether or not he/she is able to compete. Entry fee can only be returned if written notice is given prior to entry deadline.

Entering after deadline is allowed unless otherwise stated in the entry form/schedule. The host can still turn down entries if the start list is fully booked. Entering after deadline is possible up until last class if allowed by the host. Unless otherwise stated entering after deadline is twice the entry fee.

Changing places in the start list is possible. Changes must be announced in writing minimum 1 hour before class start.

Start list is made after entry deadline. Random order. When possible, minimum one heat stagger is set between starts.

Minimum 10 minutes time is allowed for competitors to set up their workstation before class. 15 minutes is recommended.

The start list in the finals is set according to points. Competitors with highest score will compete last.



Information is announced on posters accessible for both competitors and audience. This information is announced:

- Task description/specimen shoes, start of competition

- Time schedule and start lists, start of competition

- Results, as soon as possible

- Total score list, as soon as possible

- Contact information, chiefs of committee


A realistic time schedule is followed as best as possible. A class start cannot be changed earlier than in the time schedule.

The prize ceremony is held by the event speaker and chief of committee or chief steward.

Competitors should be available to receive prizes at the awards ceremony. The chief of committee may withhold awards if the competitor is not available and has not elected a representative in their absence.

Competitors must be available to receive prizes at the awards ceremony. The chief of committee may withhold awards if the competitor is not available and has not elected a representative in their absence.

Competitors’ representative should be elected at the judge’s meeting. The representative is suggested and chosen among the competitors.

A judge’s meeting is held for each division. This is announced in the time schedule.

A report of the competition is made shortly after the end of the event and published where start lists were published. This must contain list of total results of all divisions.



Chapter 5: Judges and chiefs of committee

The judges will primarily judge the competition, but also responsible for that points are correctly written.

Judges must approve complete list of results.

Judges must be sure that stewards know their responsibilities.

If more than one judge, the host can appoint a main judge.


Chiefs of committee are:

-Chief steward of the competition; high authority and responsible for organizing the competition. , responsible for allowing more time or work pieces during class, responsible for the other stewards and horseholders, first aid, collecting finished work pieces, tidying up, food, etc.

-Chief technician; responsible for setting up the competition arena: horses, steel, gas/coke.

-Chief of competition office; responsible for lists, judging forms, result lists.

One person can have several responsibilities where this is practical.

Information on chiefs of committee, including phone number, will be announced where other information is announced.


6: Sanctions, disciplinary actions and protests

a) General guidelines. Where disciplinary actions or protests are made, or rules are broken, a committee of judge, chief of competition and competition representative must conclude what has happened. Decisions and sanctions are made by the committee. The committee must decide according to the competition rules and what is best for the sport and trade.


b) Processing incidents where rules are broken. Such incidents, where actions must be taken, must as soon as possible be reported to the judge directly or by the competition office. The main judge must as soon as possible figure out what has happened, including a statement from the accused. Where disqualification is the conclusion, this is immediate.


c) Disqualifications and sanctions:

- Verbal warning where rules are broken of less importance

- Written warning from chief of committee where rules are severely broken and/or repeatedly

- Written warnings must be signed by the accused and will follow the competitor throughout the event

- Disqualification from a class

- Disqualification from the event for severe and/or repeated breaking of rules


d) Protests are made in writing maximum 60 minutes after the result or judge’s decision (sanction) is given.

Protests can only be done by competitor, team leader or master (where apprentice is involved).

50 euro is appended the written protest. This is refunded only if the protest is accepted.

Protests of calculation error are made within three days after results are published.

Evidence must be proven by the accusing contestant.

The judge’s scoring cannot be protested.


Chapter 7: Judging, marks

a) Judging specimen shoes as follows:

c) The marks will be given with a maximum of ten (a coefficient will be applied by the Chief of competition office ) and will have the following


10 Perfect

9 Very good

8 Good

7 Good enough

6 Acceptable

5 Just sufficient

4 Inadequate

3 Poor or big mistake like wrong number of nail holes or clips

2 Unusable

1 Unfinished and unusable

0 Not done or shoe made wrong side [0 for the whole shoe]


Decimals can be given. 1 point is deducted per mm wrong measurements.


d) Points on task:

The judging points given on each task is added together to decide a winner.

A class can then be two tasks, and the winner will be the highest score alltogether, ex: shoeing a foot and a specimen or two specimen.

Max points on specimen is 50p.

Max points on a foot is 40x2.5= 100p

Then shoeing will always count for double compare to specimen.

All-over winner is decided by adding judging points from all classes together

Points from different divisions cannot be added together.

© 2018 by Klones Hest og Hov AS.

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